Students learning at the HHGUniversity Students at the Hahn Horticulture Garden

Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you. -Frank Lloyd Wright

Classes, internships, volunteer opportunities at special events and more: all are ways that students are involved in the Hahn Horticulture Garden

Click HERE for the Internship Application - HHG 2025
We offer multiple summer internship opportunites that can be part- or full-time. These internships are ideal for students who want to gain valuable experience in a public garden setting. Internship applications will be posted in December of each year. We also employ student wage workers throughout the year - please check with our director as to any openings.

  • HORT 4205 and HORT 4206 - Public Gardens Maintenance and Management I & II a 1-credit, hands-on learning experience led by Scott Douglas and Paul Chumbley. Offered both Spring and Fall semesters on Friday afternoons, it's a great opportunity to learn about seasonal garden maintenance as well as some management topics associated with public gardens. In turn, our students play an important role in making the garden beautiful!
  • HORT 3345 - Herbaceous Landscape Plants
  • HORT 3325 & 3326 - Woody Landscape Plants I & II
  • Other departments/colleges that utilize the garden: Entomology, Plant Pathology, Weed Science, Urban Forestry, Crop andSoil Science, Landscape Architecture, Art.

Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to join our Monday evening volunteer sessions (March - October 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., weather permitting). You'll work on a variety of gardening activities alongside experienced and novice gardeners and garden staff. We can also use volunteer help throughout the year with educational and outreach programs such as workshops, tours, and more.